Health insurance companies pay many extras - SEPUTAR TEKNOLOGI
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Health insurance companies pay many extras

 When looking for the right health insurance, it is advisable to compare different health insurance companies according to your personal needs and also to pay attention to the service and additional benefits.

The essentials in brief:

  • Most of the services provided by statutory health insurance companies are required by law and are covered by all health insurance companies.
  • The differences are therefore in the service, the additional services and the additional contributions.
  • You should check what is particularly important to you in your life situation and whether the individual offer from your health insurance company best suits your needs or whether a change might be worthwhile. The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds provides an overview of the statutory health insurance companies online.

Statutory health insurance companies are allowed to offer their insured more services than they have to. However, they decide for themselves what they include in their statutes as voluntary benefits in addition to the uniform statutory mandatory benefits. Many health insurers are generous, for example, with examinations for early detection, with vaccinations and with alternative treatment methods.

accessibility and service

An important criterion is the way and when you can contact your cash register. Many insured persons prefer personal contact with employees of the health insurance company in offices in their area.

A health insurance company that can be reached around the clock by telephone or online is suitable for working people.

It can be important for older people that employees from their health insurance company come to the house to clarify questions. Some health insurers also offer telephone advice on medical and nursing issues.

Medical second opinion

Many insurance companies offer their insured special second opinion procedures in order to find out about alternative treatment methods in case of doubt regarding an operation. The procedures will then be offered for other diseases beyond the legal entitlement. Because this only applies to operations that are suspected of being carried out more frequently for economic reasons than is medically necessary.

The second opinion procedure is usually based on an online portal on which the treatment documents are uploaded and examined.

Some health insurers also mediate to cooperating specialists.

screening tests

Cancer screening for the skin is generally funded every two years from the age of 35. Some insurance companies also cover the costs for the examination with the reflected light microscope (dermatoscopy). Many health insurance companies offer skin cancer screening for under 35-year-olds.

Some insurance companies pay for additional physical development examinations for children and young people.

Pregnant women can often have risks clarified with tests that the health insurers have not yet covered.


Many health insurers either partially or fully cover the costs for extra vaccinations.

These include, for example, special travel vaccinations, influenza vaccinations without age restrictions or vaccinations against cervical cancer (HPV) for women over the age of 18.

healthy teeth

As a prophylaxis, professional tooth cleaning is also subsidized by many health insurance companies. However, participation in the costs is usually limited to a certain number per year. The cash injection can be between 25 and 70 euros.

For professional tooth brushing, however, only selected contract doctors may often be consulted.

Alternative treatment methods

For example, if you value homeopathic medicines, you should ask your health insurance company whether they will be reimbursed.

Recognized counterparts of conventional medicine - such as osteopathy, which dissolves blockages in the body in a special way - are often already part of the standard offer of statutory health insurance companies. Treatment is only available on prescription from a recognized osteopath. The number of sessions and the amount of reimbursement vary from health insurer to health insurer: up to 500 euros are approved per year. The rest has to be paid out of pocket.

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