3 Ways of Profit Taking You Need to Know - SEPUTAR TEKNOLOGI
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3 Ways of Profit Taking You Need to Know


When you buy shares worth 50 million and the share price has gone up to 20%, then you can use these 3 strategies:

1. Sell All the Shares

From a capital of Rp. 50 Million our value has increased to Rp. 60 Million, you can sell all the shares. This strategy is suitable for stocks that are in the consolidation phase: Prices go up to fall again.

2. Selling Profit Only.

From a capital of Rp. 50 million to Rp. 60 million, you can just sell the profit, which is Rp. 10 million. This buying capital is still kept as long as the stock is rallying. This strategy is suitable for stocks that are in an uptrend phase but you are not comfortable with the risk of correction.

3. Sell at the Top of It All.

From your capital Rp. 50 Million has reached Rp. 60 Million, uh, the shares continue to rally to 100%, then your total assets are Rp. 100 Million. you don't do profit taking as long as the uptrend hasn't broken. But when the uptrend has broken, then it's time for you to sell all your positions.

What you need to remember is that these 3 profit taking strategies must be carried out and adjusted to the technical analysis that you have learned. Click here for the GaleriSaham class agenda.

If you are alone, which strategy will you choose? Come on, share your answers on Instagram GaleriSaham here .

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