What kind of stocks are suitable for birthday gifts to dowry? - SEPUTAR TEKNOLOGI
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What kind of stocks are suitable for birthday gifts to dowry?


Nowadays it seems that there is a trend to give shares as birthday gifts and even to wedding dowries. What are the advantages of giving shares as a gift?

One of the advantages of stock as a gift is that apart from getting capital gains (profits due to rising stock prices), the owner of the gift also gets dividends (distribution of company profits to shareholders).

If the business continues to grow, it's not impossible, you know, the share price can go up tremendously.
After all, giving stock as a gift also teaches someone the importance of investing.

Let's look at an illustration of BBRI shares:

Since 2009, BBRI shares have experienced an increase of +-1200%. Remember! We haven't calculated the dividends that we always get every year, you know.

Even though many say that currently the stock price isn't going anywhere, it's boring on bluechip stocks, the return isn't steady. But in terms of the major trend, this stock is still in an upward trend because the business continues to grow from time to time.

So, what kind of stocks are suitable for long-term investment?

  • Businesses that are always sought after and in demand by the market from time to time.
  • A company whose business always grows over time.
  • Always distribute dividends regularly so that you always get passive income.

So if you want to give a gift in the form of shares to your loved ones, make sure the shares you give are also of good quality, a business that continues to grow, and can provide passive income.

Do we really have the heart to want a gift of stuck shares?

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